Providing Recognition and Recovery
to Wounded Service Members

Purple Heart Recognition

Our goal is to ensure that our wounded service members receive entitled Purple Heart Recognition.

Stem Cell Treatments

Provide service members wounded in the Global War on Terror with intranasal stem cell treatments to treat TBI’s.

Funding & Research

Collecting donations to raise awareness and support the health and well-being of wounded service members.

The Situation:

The Department of Defense estimates that 400,000 service members have suffered traumatic brain injuries.

Service members with Traumatic Brain injuries are 3x-5x more likely to commit suicide.

An estimated 30,177 of those who served after the 9/11 terrorist attacks died by suicide, compared with 7,057 killed in war operations. (See study)

Our Mission:

We aim to decrease the Veteran suicide rate by providing service members wounded in the Global War on Terror with Intranasal stem cell treatments to treat TBI’s and to ensure those injured receive entitled Purple Heart Recognition.

Intranasal Stem Cell Treatments

Stem cells have been clinically proven to treat the underlying cause of brain injury, destruction of brain tissue from blast forces. Simply put, placing stem cells, (harvested from the wounded servicemember’s own body) in the brain by introduction through the sinuses is the only proven treatment to repair the brain. This is a painless nonsurgical procedure.

Purple Hearts Recognition

Service members earn this entitlement and the practical benefits associated with it the moment they are injured. Unfortunately, before 2011 the Military did not recognize or treat these injuries, leaving as many as 38,500 service members injured, untreated, and unrecognized.